Shipping & returns

Shipping & Returns

If you have any questions about shipping, or returning your package. Feel free to contact our customer service for more information.


Ordered before 5 p.m. 

  • Monday through Friday, delivered tomorrow.
  • Saturday and Sunday, Tuesday in house

Netherlands/Belgium: Home next business day - Order before 5 p.m.

France, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Denmark,Germany, Poland: 1-2 working days

Rest of Europe: 2-3 working days

Rest of the World: 2-3 working days


Would you like to return your orders through the mail? Then you may do so with a parcel service of your choice. Please note that the cost of return shipping is at your own expense. 

Do you have questions about returns? Please contact us via Whatsapp, phone or send us an email.

If you live in the area, you are always welcome to drop the package by our office!

Return address

MOOIYS (Retours)Marithaime 8
6662 WD, Elst
The Netherlands